Internet for business

Alternative fibre Internet for Your Business

Learn more about our plans:

    Plan: *

    Your Name:*

    Company Name:

    Your Phone Number:

    Your Address:*

    Your Email: *


    All Plans Include

    • All Plans are based on 12 Month Agreement
    • All Plans include free internet monitoring service at no cost
    • No penetration tripod will be installed on the roof by Nuday
    • Customer has to get land lord permission to install the tripod and antenna on the roof
    • Cancellation within 30 days is possible – Only setup fee and first month fee is payable
    • PPPoE Router is to be supplied by customer
    • Wire path from the Roof to internet demarc is to be cleared by customer
    • Install time is 7 days after the order date
    • Static IP is $10.00 / IP / Month on all plans