by admin | Aug 28, 2020 | Business, Colcoation, Datacenter, News
Nuday’s Free Cooling System Means Fantastic Colocation Prices Five years ago, Nuday Networks Inc. became the first Canadian datacenter to use a free cooling system. We are proud to set this precedent because a free cooling system offers many benefits for our clients...
by admin | Dec 20, 2019 | Business, Uncategorized
Is the Data Center Market Growing or Stagnating? As a new decade beckons in just a few short weeks, one trend that rings true across North America is that data is becoming increasingly prevalent and valuable. Colocation data centers fall into two main segments, retail...
by admin | Nov 18, 2019 | Business, Colcoation, Datacenter
A colocation centre (also called co-location or colo) or “carrier hotel,” is a type of data centre where cabinet, equipment, space, Internet and bandwidth are available for rental. Colocation facilities provide space, power, cooling and physical security...
by admin | Jul 3, 2019 | Business, Cloud Computing, Datacenter, News
It’s not particularly surprising that China is well on the way to becoming a superpower in the world economy. However, with the new tariffs raising concerns for global economic growth, the trade negotiations between China and the US seem to be stalling. Despite the...
by admin | May 29, 2019 | Business, Datacenter
It’s stating the obvious to when we say we live in an Internet-driven world. Numerous online businesses continue to pop up with each passing day, while others make sure they capitalize on the extra opportunities that come from having an online presence. Given this...
by admin | Mar 29, 2019 | Business, Disaster Recovery, Uncategorized
The Importance of Having a Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity PlanBeing optimistic in business is good, but being realistic is better. You might not want to think about the worst scenario that can happen to your business, but accidents and disasters occur all...